Embracing Quiet Bladesmithing Work for Sundays

Did you know? Bladesmithing dates back over 4,000 years! This ancient art has been passed down generations. Consider dedicating some Sunday time to bladesmithing. Let the hammer’s rhythm guide you and the forge’s glow inspire you.
But remember to balance your enthusiasm with respect for others’ peace and family time.

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How To Chose The Correct Steel For Your Project – Part 2

Utilize steel apps and online resources to stay updated on steel properties and manufacturer specifications. However, ensure the information comes from reliable sources, preferably the steel manufacturers themselves.

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How To Choose The Right Steel For Your Project –

The properties of steel can be significantly altered through heat treatment processes such as hardening and tempering. These processes manipulate the microstructure of the steel to enhance its performance characteristics.

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The Anatomy Of A Knife: A Detailed Guide To Its Parts

Understanding these parts of a knife not only helps you choose the right knife for your needs but also helps you maintain and appreciate the craftsmanship behind each blade. Whether you’re cutting through a juicy steak, carving wood, or preparing a gourmet meal, knowing the anatomy of your knife will enhance your experience and skill.

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An Introduction to Basic Tools Required

Remember, having many tools won’t make the knives for you—skill and knowledge are crucial. Learn to adapt and create your own tools when necessary. Ancient bladesmiths achieved remarkable results with minimal, primitive tools, so use modern conveniences wisely and creatively.

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Introduction To Bladesmithing:

We will cover various topics in depth in a series of posts, and you can comment or ask us questions about how to get started in the art/craft of bladesmithing. There will be useful links to articles, videos, and quality suppliers. We are also available to answer your questions.  “Heavin Knows!”

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